Emily’s Blog
A selection of Emily’s thoughts, interviews, and video links…
Writing Female Warriors - Things to Remember - Part 4
Following Part 3 - Ice Queens, Mothers… and Korra, this article will explore organisations and collectives of female warriors. Does your badass female character belong to an order of warrior nuns? A coven of sorceresses? A nation of Amazonian goddesses? A sworn female-only guard to a royal house? Excellent. Strength through sisterhood. This is fertile ground for some epically powerful heroines. However, there are some problematic aspects of the segregated female clique that deserve due consideration…
Writing Female Warriors - Things to Remember - Part 3
If your female warrior isn’t a main character but performs a core function in the plot and inspires your male characters… you’ll need to make sure she’s still a fully rounded person in her own right. Despite what you might think it can be difficult to tell the difference between making a female character into an integral plot device, and turning her into a prop. If you’ve given your female warrior a sword and powerful attributes… and then used her as nothing but background inspiration for your male protagonists, she might as well be a statue.